Sunday, January 20, 2008

An old house.

Anjuna, 18-01-1995. I decided that Benaulim and my shitty room there, were decidedly uncool so together with my Cilam smoking partners from last night I took a bus to Anjuna. It`s only a mere 50 km. from Benaulim to Anjuna but it took us four bus changes before we got there, remember this is India, Magic Land and all that. Leaving whatever it is they call a bus terminal here in Anjuna, I got approaches by an old local woman, weather beaten face all wrinkled and not a single tooth left in her mounth, who offered me a whole house right on the beach for a mere 100 Rp. The place is huge but has no furniture, no toilet and no running water. It does have an old fashioned draw-well in the back and a garden that is empty of plant life. It does have GREAT views of the sea, though!!! Needless to say, I took it.

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