Friday, January 18, 2008

Chosing for a crazy life.....

Kutly Beach, 15-01-1995. I try to figure out where I was before going on this trip - I mean I was a pretty serious bloke working on the market back home in Amsterdam, working out at my Tae kwondo dojo every night, running in the park during the weekends, lady friends and no heavy booze and dope shit. But now I have come to the most unfortunate conclussion that I`m completely lost. I`ve got not the slightest idea of what is going on, I`ve definitely lost my usual grip on control of what goes on around me. This time the deities of man`s imagination are playing tricks on me, tricks I wouldn`t possibly considered real only a year ago!!! Not that this is my first trip to India, Magic Land as I like to call it. But before I always shied well clear of that long term population of pot addicted westerns, the people with funny hairdoes and that always carry a chilam in their underwear - the onlyt place where the indian police will not seach you. I quite open mindedly choose for this, i couldn`t possibly leave Asia/India without experiencing this life.......

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