Saturday, January 05, 2008

Far away from Mother Earth.

Hampi, 25-12-1994. Up the river from Hampi are some belgium, greek and italian people living in caves and in self made clearings. Wading through the river at times and jumping from boulder to boulder, following the river I went there today. I eventually found a belgium and german speaking italian who invited me to the usual chilam. They were quite chozy about the charas that had to go into the chilam mix. After checking out the tola of charas, even sniffing it, that I happily produced from out of my underwear - the only place were the indian police will, as a rule, not look!!! - they rejected it and made the mix with their own load. Completely stoned out my head I tried to find my way back to Hampi negotiating my way over and through an area with hit and tither "thrown" boulders of varying sizes and saw the ocassional local deeply immersed in his labour and probably totally unaware of the mental state I was in....In the coming twilight of the night I felt in a strange and mysterious world, on another world far away from Mother Earth!!!

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