Friday, January 04, 2008

Funny things in Hampi.

Hampi, 23-12-1994. With the festival definitely over, rest and tranquility have return to Hampi. No more local tourists who are desperate to get their picture taken with all these european alternatives so they can show these pics off to friends and neighbors back home in their native village or town. When I don`t go out of my hotel I play chess with french people, or I`ll be off to the chai shop and smoke chilam talking absolute bullshit. Funny things can happen in this primitive village like a cow walking into the garden of my hotel and a monkey with a bad limp repoeatedly trying to steal the sugar bowls on the tables of the chai shop. Running and jumping around with his prize in the tree tops and on the roofs, the stupid monkey spills it all and, in desperation, he throws the empty sugar bowl down on the chilam smokers drinking chai. An old local in lungi always around begging for free chilam and dancing like mad when he is stoned and drunk - which is freqeunt - refuses to pay for his chai, gets stripsearched by the owner for money and good humouredly thrown out.

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