Thursday, February 28, 2008

Weddings in Pushkar.

Pushkar, 03-03-1995. Pushkar being a holy hindu village, it is small wonder that the place is highly popular among young couples about to wed. The idea is that the bridegroom will fetch his bride from her parents house sitting on his high mount and all dressed up in his best clothes. Mucisians have been hired to accompany him and people to carry these rediculous TL tubes vertically on top of their heads. A small boy will usually walk along side the horse carrying a ventilator that give some relief to the bridegroom from the intense rajastan heat. His relatives will en masse walk along as well and at the very end of this weird procession a noisy generator is dragged behing on a wooden cart to supply the electricity for the ventilator and the Tl tubes. That people don`t trip over all the electric wiring that goes hither and tither between the TL tubes and the generator is an amazing feat in itself... Just outside the village the young couples and their friends and relatives wait in the dozens for their turn. Puskkar`s small and already congested streets will have to put up with about 20/30 wedding processions every day.

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