Friday, February 01, 2008

For railway personel on duty only.

Bijaspur. 05-02-1995. Leaving Badami by rail we - that is me and Rasta-Hair-John - saw a sign on a bench on the platform; "for railway personel on duty only". On the bench an indian - was he a railway employee? - was fast asleep. Hahahahaha. That short of shit makes for beautiful photo shots!!! Half an hour after the train left with us aboard, John went to the toilet and came back 15 min. later with a crazy grin on his face pushing a half empty sigarette pack in my hand and wispering in my ear to smoke in the toilet. After having kicked the indian off the toilet where he was having a nap - believe it or not, this is the "real India", remember!!! - I smoked the nice little joint that was inside the sigarette pack. Needless to say, I returned a bit later - leaving the toilet to the patiently waiting indian outside to continue his nap - bearing the same stupid grin and enjoying the rest of the train trip in a VERY relaxed and shanty mood.

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