Thursday, February 14, 2008

Peepholes and fried children.

Indore, later same day. The cheeky hotel boys just grin when I point out the big peepholes in the door of our room. "No problem, sir. Good for ventilation" waggling their heads the way only indians can do. while I wonder whether to wring these waggling bloody heads through those holes or just knock their teeth out, Rona turn to me smiling and whispering in my ear "don`t worry, we`ll make passionate love tonight but with the lights out". Fair enough, we take the room. Not that the rest of Indore is much friendlier....we have dinner at a nearby restaurant and order fried chicken which is named on the dirty menu as "fried children". After 15 min. we see a boy rushing into the restaurant and on into the kitchen carrying a life chicken in his hands, our fried chicken? Or was it fried children, the boy???>??? Anyway, at least it is fresh for sure. After dinner we go over to the bus terminal, we wanna know about the bus tomorrow to Ujjain. the wallah at the information desk totally ignores us and when, after 10 min. of trying to get his attention, bang the desk window, he points at a sign above him I hadn`t yet seen. Handwritten it says "chai brek, officiel not on duity". I get the idea and we wait for him to finish his chai, we do nothing neither does the "officiel on chai brek", he just looks at us and ocassionally sip from his cup of chai and we, we just look at him and wait for him to finish the bloody chai. Eventually we get our information.

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