Thursday, February 14, 2008

A bus trip with thin shit.

Indore, 17-02-1995. A long and boring bus trip through dusty country side and with frequent stops because at least half the passeggers aboard including the driver suffer of heavy attacks of the shits, they need to relieve themselves which means right next to the bus at the side of the road, in full view of whoever wants to have a peak. But this India where these things are really quite normal. While the thin yelowish colored shit spurts out of sick indian asses, those lucky enough to be healthy have a smoke. Beedies for those who are poor, a rolled up tabbaco leaf that has to be conctantly lighted and is bound together with a thin thread. Some have a quick sapati, the indian version of a pancake/slice of bread. Some stray dogs from the nearby village wander over and have a good snif at the heap of human faeces left behind. Everybody aboard and off we are untill, twenty minutes later the whole process repaets itself.

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