Monday, February 04, 2008

A piss outside the police office.

Solapur, 09-02-1995. When John tried to pay for our room this morning the receptionist told him "already paid, sir". So we shalood off to the railway station and sitting in a chai shop nearby waited for him to realise his mistake and come after us. We didn`t have to wait for long, a very nervous and hyper active receptionist on a rusty old indian bicycle soon showed up, parked his crappy bike in front of the station and hurried inside not realising that we were watching his every move from across the street. We let him search the railway station for us while finishing our chai before we took our packs and went inside ourselves. We found him on the platform and though we had his money already in our hands, he went bazooka angry threatening to go to the police and demonstratively marched off to the railway police office with us in hot pursuit hoping for more free entertainment. Instead of going inside the police office he had a pee outside - no wildplassen fees in India where people often even have a crap in public - We eventually gave him his money but not after we hassled him a bit more. We were fully aware - as was he - that had he really gone to the police, they would have listened to his story, asked us the western tourist, politely to pay the man his money and then - as soon as we would be out of earshot - hassled him for some baksheesh.

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