Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Begging kids dressed in dirty rags.

Ajanta Caves, 15-02-1995. Yes, these Ajanta Caves are fun and surely worth the time we invested visiting them. We took a Tempo - a sort of small truck converted to a bus - from Fardapur to the caves, passing small little settlements with huts made out of grass and boughs. I couldn`t see any electricity or running water for that matter. How these people survive out there in the middle of nowhere..I`ve no idea. The parking space at the caves is full with indian tour busses unloading well dressed middle class indian families, no western tourists around so we`re instantly in the middle of their attention. The souvenir wallahs at the entrance do a thriving business selling quarz stones but when we climb up the hills behind the caves we find these stones by the hunderts just lying around....Local children follow us up the hills, by the dirty rags they wear I judge them as not to belong to those middle class tourists, probably from one of these hamlets we passed on the way. Persistent little buggers they are demanding Paisa each and scaring off the rich birdlife with their rowdy demands.

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