Sunday, December 30, 2007

A skeleton in a cave.

Hampi, 13-12-1994. From the top of the Achyutaraya Temple on top of the hill over looking Sule bazaar, the views are great and inside the temple are cool babas and sadhus always willing to share a chilam with you and explain the "religious" aspects of the chilam, singing ancient Veda songs in Sanskrit and Pali. An australian archelogist who wa stoned out of his mind on good and cheap indian grass, showed me the human remains, a skeleton probably left there among the rocks by the local constabulary as he explained to me, got the picture myself really! We reached it after a circuitous route up and over huge boulders and finally inside some sort of cave. At night I end up in chilam parties with weird people from all over the place who are always preparing a new mix and talk absolute bullshit.

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