Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fresh tiger droppings.

Periyar, tiger territory, 21-11-1994. Two days we`ve been here in our wooden watch tower, sleeping on a wooden bunk and spending the morning brewing noodle soup mixed with Magic Mushrooms that keeps us high and happy for the rest of the day which we spend on the little balcony of the watch tower watching wild life while working on our tola of grass. A pity for Christina but we`ve to as yet see any elefants....Where are all these elefants I saw when I was here in 1989. Maybe they`re not around any more. All shot by trigger happy, money oriented poachers - ruthless business people or else locals brought to those horrible acts by the starving of their families. Who can say? During our very first forray in the nearby forest we found the fresh tracts of a female tiger which got Christina quite worried. I decided to tell her nada and nothing about the recent tiger droppings I had found earlier in the morning very close to our watch tower.

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