Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Day trips to Galle and Hikkaduwa

Unawatuna, 26-10-1994. Unawatuna is one of these beach places popular among long-term backpackers. A small village dedicated to shoe string travellers with guest houses and restaurants prominently visible along the palm tree studded beach and the village`s one and only street. Naturally pot is readily available and no cops around to hassle the dope-addicted backpackers. Yes, I can most definitely spend some time here waiting for my indian visa to get processed. Perhaps make some day trips to Galle and Hikkaduwa which are probably okay to stay at as well but has too much organised tours from europe to my taste. I decided to make the day trip to Galle by train and then a ten min. bus trip to Hikkaduwa a bit further south. Just outside Unawatuna is what the locals call a sacret area with atop a hill a small stupa with images of Lord Buddha and beautiful views in all directions.

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