Thursday, March 06, 2008

Datura in my Bangh Lassie.

Pushkar, 16-03-1995. Festival of Holi today celebrating the beginning of summer in North India. Naturally all the locals are out en masse carrying buckets and colored powder they throw at and over each other, their main victims are of course all the foreign western freaks, dope heads and strage alternatives from Europe. Throwing colored water and powder all over you is their way to celebrate Holi. Tomorrow the local news papers will be full again with complain stories by the more conservative and middle class - like us the westerners, they are a prime target - of India, about the woes and evils of getting your best clothes spoiled on the way to work. Most of the people I hang out with in Pushkar had a Bangh Lassie last night, one of them flipped out on his lassie, paranoid beyond belief...I myself experienced the best Bangh Lassie ever, even started to halucinate. Maybe they put something else in their lassies last night, i saw dried Datura leaves lying around in the chai shop`s kitchen.

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