Sunday, January 14, 2007

Coppers at night

Varanasi,05-02-1994Once again trying to negociate my way back to my hotel, my head totally fucked on cheap charras and several Bangh-lassies and full with all the stories Mickey has told me of his native Hawaii and his life over there completely given over to drugs, sex, booze and rock and roll, i all of a sudden get completely paranoid about all the cops idly toting big guns while patrolling all the small alleys around my hotel. I have seen them all around Varanasi and came to the conclusion there are here to keep a eye open in case of trouble Varanasi being a holy city with a Muslim minority, but now in this weird state of mind i am in............they could decide to rob me, shoot me, fuck me up the ass mayor..... instead i manage once more to make it back to my cockroach inhabited room get down on the bed and ignore the smiling massive spiders whose beady eyes follow my every move, i know they are waiting for me to drop off to dreams of Magic Land so they can without any opposition of my site devour my body leaving the left overs to the bredthren,the cockroaches on the floor. I will leave this weird and crazy place tommorrow first thing.......

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