Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Keoladeo Bird Sanctuary

Barathpur, 14-12-1993. The Keoladeo bird sanctuary is reknowned for its many species of migratory birs, pelican, storch, crane etc. In earlier days the Maharajas would take their guests on shooting parties to the sanctuary as did the English during the days on the Brittish Raj. With a couple of guns they would shoot thousands of bags of birds . Nowadays things are a bit more civilised, people pay 25 rp. to get in and watch the birds with hired binoculars. The only noice now is the noise of birds and the clic-clac sounds of camaras, thanks to the gods no more gun shots.The pelican Hotel near the park entrance ain t so bad with their own restaurant and 60 rp. for a single room. I hire a bike to move around the park, the binoculars I brought from home.Barathpur is a typical Indian town, dirty, dusty and noicy, not worth a days outing.

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