Saturday, May 26, 2007

Thai pleasures.

Bangkok, 31-05-1994. fianlly back in Thailand after quite some years. The country that i have allowed to steal my heart. Staying at my old favourite the Madame Guest House for 160 Baht a night, saying hello to the old woman who owns the place and i have known for many years. She looks older , almost like a scare crow now but her mind is still healthy as ever and her heart as warm as ever. Naturally after checking in my first stop was Kenny`s Place for a bottle of Mekong whiskey on the rocks and with cola, the way the locals drink this hard stuff, to celebrate my return to Thailand, a country full with willing women that attract single white males from all over the place. But also a place frife with prostition - the average thai male goes to a prostitude once aweek girlfriend or no grilfriend - lets not forget the cold beer that tastes so good in this local heat! Thai ladies are actually very beautifull and elegantly dressed with booming smiles that the country likes to advocate as a tourist attraction at which they do well, however these girls lack the big boobs while and black women have and that i am so keen on. Lets also not forget the thai cuisine with its numerous delicacies you can sample at absurd low prices at every street corner outside in the open air, the foodstalls are just as numerous as the varity of food dishes they serve.

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