Saturday, May 12, 2007

His Holiness The Ambassedor himself.

New Dehli, 18-05-1994. My train to New Dehli was at 07.00 h. p.m. and arrived at Dehli at 04.00 h. in the morning so i had to walk through darkened New Dehli to the Ringo Guesthouse. Not that this proposed some sort of proplem. I was just once more reminded of how many people in the huge country occupy the streets camping, whole families living and sleeping peacefully together on the pavement. The rickshaw wallahs sleep on top of their vehicle. At least that way nobody will steal your source of income!!! Today i went to the dutch embassy to read newspapers and got hassled by his Holiness The Ambassedor himself. By god what a slime he was!!! He even wanted me to stand up while he was talking to me and shaking hands was completely out of the question. Like i had some sort of disease and would contaminate him by my touch or something. The heat in New Dehli is oppressive after all my time in the hills and the north of India and Kashmir.

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