Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The chaishop

Vashisht, 12-04-1994. Whenever someone wants to light up a chilam and has the hashish but not the chilam they borrow the chilam from an old grey haired, bearded local who is always around probably for just that purpose. After all when other people borrow your chilam you naturally get a good hit from it too! An ugly frenchman with a nose that resembles a carrot, is also always near waiting for someone to light up a chilam and pass it along, accidendly is always seated in the direction the chilam gets around. The man has got no shame whatsoever and even eats the leftovers from a pancake or any other food people have ordered. You do hold on to your money this way though. A local who looks pretty much 90 % out of this world also behaves as though he is 90 % out of this sorry excistence! He lights up a chilam-if he doesn`t fall asleep in the process-and cleans it out straight after, knocking a fully prepared mix on the table.

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