Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pahar Ganj.

India, Delhi,

Rona kissed me adios this morning at 04.00 o`clock before leaving for Bhuj. I was hardly aware of her departure from my life untill I woke up several hours later and realised yet another woman who passed by in my life is gone, maybe forever.

The 6 hour train trip to Dehli streched into a full 9 hours and together with Ivo - a dutch bloke from Amsterdam I met on the train I took a room at the Hare Khrisna guest house in Pahar Ganj, the big shopping street right opposite the main train station.

Pahar Ganj is full with little guest houses, tourist restaurants and tourist oriented shops. Many of which cater especially to people from the recently collapsed Soviet Union.

These people come here en masse now to buy whatever they can put there hands on and sell it back home with enormous profits. Many of these shops have syrilic signs above their businesses trying to lure the former soviet people in.I see them leaving the shops burdened by huge packs.

Little alternative tourist ladies with rasta hair and sitting at the next table watch in wonder while I make quick sketches in my travel log.

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