Saturday, April 19, 2008

Nearly going home.

India, Kovalam,

It has been well over five months ago sice last I wandered around in the small fisherman villages in this area, alone and sober untill I met Christina...

Strange and almost bizarre to be here now nearly at the end of my trip. A trip that toke almost one year and a half.

Strange feeling to go back to Amsterdam in just a few short weeks.

When I left I was fit working out at the Dojo every night, got my black belt Tae-kwondo only days before leaving.

Now, after having done the alternative circuit, following the hippy route around India, hanging out with them and trying to understand their way of life, their facination with the infamous indian charas and chilam culture, on a spiritual quest that had no right of excistence to begin with and was totally fruitless...

It`s almost over now, my last Kerala grass disappearing fast, time to shave off my full and bushy beard, cut off the pony-tail that has nearly reached my bum, time to return to Amsterdam and my "other" life.

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