Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rona`s promise......

Keoladeo Bird Sanctuary, 21-02-1995. Though our train to chittogarh was sort of in time - that is always a surprise in India - it just went into the wrong direction and we ended up in Jaipur instaed of Chittogarh. According to the railway personel on duty in Jaipur, the engine-driver of our train was new on this stretch so......well we are in India after all...Fortunately it`s only a "4 hr" by bus to Keoladeo, as they told us. I felt like kicking some indian railway personel ass but Rona`s sunny look on things - and her promise if i keep my temper under control, we`ll have a quicky in the room before dinner - saved the day and we eventually got to the bird sanctuary late afternoon. There are several tourist hotels near the sanctuary, all with a garden and restaurant. Keeping things simple we took the very first hotel we saw, Hotel Pelican for 120 Rp. for a double. The moment I locked the door Rona took off all her clothes and made good on her promise, I did keep my temper under control, kicked no indian railway personel asses and didn`t complain about the 4 hr. dusty bus trip to Keoladeo.

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