Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Osho, a shrewt businessman.

Pune , 10-02-1995. Back in Pune. I was here five years ago when Osho was still alive and giving his nightly discourses at his Ashram. However, Osho has left this world and his body soon after I left. Not that I had any special love for Osho or any bad feelings for that matter. I did come to his discourses but the contents did not mean much to me. I remember how they taped the discourse each night and sold the tapes at the Ashram the next day and popular they were....While I was there Osho decided to enter his next period of silence - he would never talk again in his life since he died soon after - . Not that that stopped him from giving his nightly discourses. He would sit there on stage and look at all his sanyassins and they would look at him in awe. They taped these discourses too and sold the tapes the next day, tapes with the ocassional cough and that sort of stuff. Really funny, shrewt businessman that Osho!!!

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