Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Boom Bolinath or Boom Shankar.

Kutly Beach, 11-01-1995. "Boom Bolinath" or "Boom Shankar" when you light the Holy Chilam and a half yell "Boom" when you pass it on, a very loud communal "Boom" when the crazy thing is lit. Greeting be to Lord Shiva who is supposed to spend quite a bit of his waking hours on top of his holy mountain smoking Chilam after Chilam, in brooding contemplation. Maybe mentally preparing himself for his nightly graveyard expeditions, he`s after all the God of Death and Resurrection. My hairdo is terrible, my mind a complete blank, Kristoff with all his bullshit stories about Karma and stoned aliens bores me shitless but he seems to have adopted me as his big number one amigo. At least the holy indian cows are real as well as their droppings I frequently step into. It`s all as "real" as everything else around me. A dream within a dream or maybe it`s just my mind unable to connect anymore, no doubt due to a fair amount of pot and charas.


Anonymous said...

"Boom Baba. Boom!"

The chillum is lit, it carries through the utter darkness. It lingers. It strives to stay alive. But if only for one moment. One moment that will warp your utter understand of values, morals, norms, and standards that make up this world.

For if the chillum had not come close, the dark energy of Banaras would have never been internalized and never realized that its everywhere and that it consumes you. It pulls you and pushes you because it's in you. And is you. And isn't you... Its just the end of the beginning. It's the flip flop. Flip... Flop... It's the past and the future. It's the right and the wrong. It's heaven and hell. It's angels and daemons. It's life and it's death. It's the night and the day. For all these gracious things don't exist without the other.

How can nothing (no - thing) exist without something (some - thing). For without nothing there would be no conception of something and without something, there would be no conception of nothing. They are interdependent. They are the reciprocal. They are the negation. The flip flop.

The life beginning with death. Its the fire of the sun and the power of the moon. With it, you live. Without it, you die. And its all around you. Burning on the river side while Babas of God eat the very flesh that burns.

"Boom Shiva... BOOM - Smoke for you are after all still alive."


You are clouded. You are winded. You are coughing. You are gauging. You are stoned. But whose you? Is it you or is it I?

"Boom Bolinath!" - Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi, and when your dreaming those dreams be mindful of realizing that you might actually just be awake :-)

Varanassi, India
June 2009

Unknown said...

Bom not boom, hare krishna hare ram bom bolinath bom shankar. Light the chillum and enjoy,. Find some cream first or super cream and you will know why shiva smokes it, coz it's f##king delicious, clean the chillum and stone (preferably Italian) and start again