Saturday, January 19, 2008

Fat bellied germans toasted a bloody red.

Benaulim, 17-01-1995. Golva has changed beyond my imagination since I was here last. So pack on back I walked the two km. to the nearby village of Benaulim watching the locals work the few rice paddies in Goa. I suppose the locals have mostly turned to the more provitable tourism industry. I have heard stories that you can nowadays board a plane back in Europe and fly straight to Goa, don`t even have to change planes anymore in Dehli or Mumbaz. Is probably why the beaches here in Goa are packed these days with fat bellied germans toasted a bloody red by the indian sun. A bloody 100 Rp. for a dirty room where even the hotel boys are unfriendly, will have to do something serious about that soon....I met a young couple from England I invited back to this shitty hotel for a decent smoke and the usual exchange of travel stories.

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