Wednesday, November 29, 2006
A floor up
Calcutta, 09-02-1994. I moved a floor up to the rooftop dormitory which is bigger and full with hippies and alternatives smoking cheap pot most of the day. It is also 10 Rp. cheaper. went to see the New Market today which like any other market in India was full with the usual sounds,sights and colors of India so typical in this part of the world. The Indain Museum was interesting nad very dusty, no big surprise there. The Victory Monument was just a waste of time.
nuestra ultima noche
Nueastra ultima noche in Bhubaneswar fue otra noche de placer fisico entre mi y Fraulein Kerstin, Muy probablemente la ultima porque su novio llega hoy aqui en Calcutta. now, i was not aware of any novio she had but I wonder what he would think of my sexual encounters with his little girl friend. I even banged her up her ass down there in that dirty little hotel room in Bhubaneswar.
A town with a heart
Calcutta, 08-02-1994. A dirty town with endless slums, exploding population growth and heavy trafic, but a town with a heart. Whole families living in the streets, eating, sleeping, making babies and even delivering them all out there in the streets of Calcutta. I took a dorm bed at Hotel Maria for 40 Rp. At the local zoo a saw Ligan and Tigon, the off spring between tigre and lion, evil and strong looking beasts
getting stuck
Baripada, 07-02-1994. Getting stuck in a small village in India can be hell on earth, a real major pain in the ass. Or maybe a way to observe the lives of the loacals in an out of the way small Indian settlement.
Off limit
There are many temples in Bhubaneswar but like the temple of Lord Juganath in Puri they are off limits to non-hindus. The Udajagiri caves just 5 km. outside town did not hold much interest to me
Bhubaneswar, 05-02-1994. Finalmente, despues de varios dias de bastante intimo contacto y de amistad con esa muchacha Alamana, Fraulein Kerstin, Ella ha entrado mi cama a ejercer de manera fisica. Tenemos otra cita aqui en Bhubaneswar esta noche a las 20.0 h. en un restuarante. Bhubaneswar is really just a stop-over for Simlipal N.P. but if I can get off with Fraulein Kerstin I wouldn t complain.
Puri s fishermen
Puri, 03-92-1994. The fishermen of Puri work hard hand-pulling their nets in full with fresh fish selling some of it on the spot. Me and Fraulein Kerstin work hard today as well, a good work-out on the bike in the country-side.
Fraulein Kerstin
Puri, o2-02-1994. most of my time in Puri I spend together with Fraulein Kerstin, a German lady. Short day trips on hired bicycles or lying on the beach together. Good meals with semi-serious conversation, a joint at night on the beach.
dying turtles
turtles seem to favour this deserted part of the beach to die. half dazed on Indian bangh i find literally dozens upon dozens of them, the insides of their shells in varrying states of rotting decay.
The government bangh shop
Puri, 30-01-1994. Puri being a holy city means it has a government bangh shop, officially only for sadhus. They need the bangh, pot really, to get closer to Shiva. However, like anywhere else in the world and definetely in India, money goes a long way to make things go easy for you. Armed with bangh I walk down the beach to a quiet spot, smoke bangh and watch how the locals carry firewood to the village.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
A death body
Puri, 28-01-1994. The beach of Puri is full with sights, Bengali holiday makers in expensive suits, villagers having a shit, a freshly caught 4 m. long shark and the rigor mortis remains of Bengali tourist drowned in the surf earlier during the day.
child labour
India s newspapers are full with stories describing the evils of child labour. India s railway company employs an army of children cleaning the overnight trains. Nobody really seems to care a shit. I do but I am a mere tourist.
Holy Puri
Puri, 27-01-1994. Pushing it hard these last 2 days from Kanha to Puri by bus and train. Puri, a holy place because it is the city of Lord Juganath. It is also the home of naked and semi-naked children, men squating on the beach and having a shit in full public, wemon running to and fro with freshly caught fish, old men only dressed in loin cloths smoking enormous cigars.
A dream at night
Tired from my wanderings around the Mandla bazaar and still many h. to kill I take a small room at an obscure hotel near the bus station. Being finally on my own and the tranquility of Kanha N. P. still in my head my thoughts return to my life back home. Through a haze it might be but I can still remember the life I had there, my friends, my beloved Tae-kwon do and the black Surinam ladies I took back to my bed. It is all like a dream at night, only 3 h. more untill departure for Puri.
Fire wood
Mandla,25-01-1994. Mandla is really just a stop-over for my next destination but my bus is late tonight so I kill time by visiting the loacal clorfull bazaar. Sari clad wemon from the country side try to sell fire wood which they often have to carry on top of their heads for many km. I can smell the aroma of of curries that are so popular in this part of the world. fruits and vegetables also dominate the bazaar
A real tigre
Kisli, 23-01-1994. Early in the morning the mahouns start their search for tigres. When they find one all the landrovers assemble nearby and the last 30/40 yards are done on top of an elefant. From the relative safety of an elefant s back the tigre can be viewed, photographed and filmed. This is called "tigre show". We saw one this morning, not my first one, and no tigre in a zoo can compete with a real wild one but seeing at laest a 100 local tourists all waiting excitedly for their turn on top of the elefant was one sight nobody had prepared me for.
Watching Tigres
Kanha national tigre park, 22-01-1994. You stay at the only tourist accommodation available just outside the park and can only enter the park with a guide and by landrover, the more people the cheaper it gets. These landrover rides are actually big fun following small dirt tracks that criscross the core area of the park. Large numbers of chital deer, sambar and barasinga, other herbivores are gaur and black bucks. A 104 tigres live in the park as well as 80 leopards are included in the carnovore section. Jackal, dohl, a sort of wild dog, can also be seen, loads of birdlife but no elefants apart from domesticated ones that carry the tourists around the park.
Common Langur
Can be seen all over India in all sorts of habitats where they live on roof tops, inside temples and railway stations. Hanuman the monkey god is their leader and therefore they are consider holy by the Hindus
Marble Rocks
Jabalpur, 20-01-1994. The Marble Rocks, 24 km. outside Jabalpur, were very beautifull even despite all the Indian daytrippers who wanna have you in a photo shoot with them so they can show off to their neighbors and friends the foreign friend they met at Marble Rocks. Maybe the fact that I was in the company of 2 young english female backpackers might have something to do with as well.
Dog canibalism
Walking around Jabalpur after checking in at the Hotel Cangni at 59 Rp. for a dirty and dingy single room, I saw 2 puppy dogs eating what was obviously the cadaver, a road kill accident?, of their sibling. A sight to behold, just trying to be sarcastic my dear reader.
hotel touts
Jabalpur, 19-01-1994. Among my biggest irritations when I trafel are hotel touts, and here in India rickchaw wallahs, these people are definitely on top of my Leave-me-alone list. Needless to say they were all over me when this morning a very frozen me got out of the overnight bus Khajuraho-Jabalpur. These guys were surely the last I needed even though I understand they too have to make the infamous Rp.
Monday, November 27, 2006
School pens
Rajgul Palace, 17-01-1994. They say riding a bicycle is good for your health but i am not so sure about that in India. However I made another excursion by bike today to to see Rajgul Palace. 25 km. out from Khajurado on a practically flat road with hordes of local children begging for school pens. The place is pretty much deserted so I will have the place all to myself to explore. Some of the dark chambers underneath the palace have populations of fruitbats hanging from the ceiling, perturbed in their slleep by my appaerance.
Raney Falls
Cycled the 15 km. or so to Raney Falls to have a look at the Ghawial sanctuary 3 km. further out from Raney Falls. All I saw was langur monkeys, peacocks and lots of birdlife but no gharwial crocs the park is reknowed for.
Bumbreaking bikes
Khajurado,16-01-1994. Indian bikes are sturdy in design but all of them are eqaully bumbreaking machines.I have seen a few mountain bikes on the scene as well but couldn t discover any gears, i presume they still have to invent them.
Khajurado, 15-01-1994. The celestial maidens of Khajurados temples pose off their naked stone bodies for the world to see, like pin ups in a Playboy magazine.The local population seems more interested in getting the Rp. out of the tourist his wallet.The usual curio shops abound and street hawkers try to sell dirty books they call Kama Sutra books that look more like sofisticated porn shit to me
19 year old and female
Jhansi,13-01-1994. Jhansi is only a stop-over on the way to Khajuraho but I decided on a stop-over mostly because of this 19 year old Australian lady I met in the train, called Melinda. I have no idea what she had in mind when she came to India but a blond western tourist in India is fresh prey as far as the local men are concerned. So I agreed to share a hotel room with her before continuing on tomorrow.
Beetle Nut
New Delhi, 11-01-1994. If it is your first trip to India you might be shocked when you hear a local behind you loudly clearing his throat and spitting the contents on the already saliva stained pavement. When you have been in this madhouse country a bit longer you are supposed to know that the favourite pasttime of the Indians is chewing beetle juice and tabocco leaves, this forces them to clear their throats frequently and hence all the spitting. Most of India s roads are covered in a mosaic of colored saliva. Many if not all of the local population has red colored teeth and gums.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Bikaner, 10-01=1994. Bikaner itself does not hold much appael but tonight I will leave Fraulein behind, seperating myself from her and take the night train to Dehli where I hope to obtain a permit for Sikim.
Bikaner,09-01-1994. A local bus with numerous stops along the way took 8 h. to get to Bikaner where Hotel Green at 89 Rp. for a double doesn t seem a bad place to stay. Fraulein Brigit s big wish is to see Karma Mati Temple about 80 km. from Bikaner, where the local rat populatios is considered holy. The sadhus looking after the temple consider the rats reincarnatios of mystics and so they feed them and let them roam freely all over the place. The smell of rat excrement stale urine I allready know will make me sick to the stomach. Juganath Fort nearby is supposed to be best forts in all of Rajastan abd also on our wishlist.
Our second night in the Thur Desert
The Thur Desert, 08-01-1994. Our second night out we slept in a dried out river bed with the camel men preparing us a tasty meal, for a change, over a small bonfire. Life in the desert ain t half as bad as I expected. WE will get back to Jaisalmer with sore ridden bums late afternoon today, one experience the richer.
San Sand Dunes
The Thur Desert, 07-01-1994. A jeep brought me and Fraulein Brigit together with a noisy dutch couple to San Sand Dunes.Rich Indian families dressed in their best sunday clothes camara in hand wainting for sunset, were a-plenty. some ventures trying to ride a camel. we set out from this place after making our acqauitances with the camels camping out in the Thur Desert under a thousand stars, our guides preparing a dull dinner. Their english isn t much but then, that is why they are camel men. we rode trough a savanah-like landscape with cacti as the as the main vegetation.
Camel Safari
Jaisalmer, 05=01-1994. Today at 15.00 h. we will go on a camel safari. Though I don t much care for camels or the depresing emptyness of a desert I have allowed Fraulein Brigit to drag me along.The trip will take 2.5 days and we will sleep 2 days in the desert, the Thur desert that is, see local villages and ride our own camelsI will translate that as seeing lots of sand, uncomfortable days on top of a "like to bite you, damned tourist", unbearable heat, cold nights and loads of boring villagers asking for baksheehs.
An Indian Public Toilet
Jaisalmer, 04-01-1994. It is a full mounth ago today that Magareth brought me to Schilhol airport and passionately kissed me goodbey. There is no goning back now, not after being a full month into this trip. Today I left Fraulein Brigit at a restaurant, she hasn t been feeling very well lately, and strolled around Jaisalmer alone.I walked around the outer rampart of the fort which is being used by the locals as a public toilet, no big surprise there. Especially some places seem to have their special preference. Huge piles of human excement line the outer rampart and big, ugly flies are everywhere, the smell is horrible although I am sure not from a fly s perspective.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thrown out
Jaisalmer, 03-01-1994Getting thrown out of a hotel hasn t happened to me yet before but it did happen this morning right here in Jaisalmer Fort cos we didn t want to take a camel tour with the people of our hotel. We left the dump and toke up residence at the Fort View Hotel for 45 Rp.
Jaisalmer, 02-01-1994. Jaisalmer is an amzing place with a fine fort that houses about 25 precent of the population. Free of motorised trafic the maze of small alleys offer us ample oppotunity to to get lost and amase ourselves at everything Jaisalmer has got to offer us, views are a-plenty and the color of the sandstone gives the place a magical golden glow especially at sunset. Walking or better strolling around this place i can easily imagine myself 500 years back in time.
Meherangarh Fort
Meherangarh Fort is what we came to see in Jodhpur and we didn t get disappointed. A magnificent fort on top of a hill overlooking all of Jodhpur.
Jodhpur,31-12-1993. The fine walking around Mount Abu has been replaced for the constant watchful strolling the little alleys that form the bazaar of Jodhpur.Watchful one has got to be considering everything that moves around on the roads of any given city in India.
THE Jilwara Jain Temple
The Jilwara- and Gur Shikhar temples were beautiful and intricately carved, both of them Hindu and on top of the highest mountain of Rajastan, 1721 m. altitude and a full 20 km. hike up from Mount Abu. Fortunately we found several snack- and soft drink places up there after our exhausting hike up. A friendly Indian with a ramshackle old car offered us a hitch back to Mount Abu which we greatfully accepted.
Mount Abu
Mount Abu, 29-12-1993. Newly wed Indian couples come to the Mount Abu hill station to spend thier honeymoon. With their finest clothes and hung in fine jewelry they go uphill with us in an ancient Indian bus.They have hardly met before their wedding, arrange marriages are the thing in India, and look nervous, their wedding night and therefore their first sexual encounter is soon to come. Probably and surely both are still a virgin.
Moon Palace
Udaipur, 27-12-1993. Today s bike trip to the Moon Palace offered fine views and beautiful typical Indian scenery. I have a strong suspicion about Brigit s bicycle abilities, though.
City Palace Hotel
Lake Palace Hotel is actually a former Maharadja s residence in the middle of the Udaipur lake. Dressing up in our best clothes we walked down Uadaipur s streets Brigit s cleavage getting a lot of attention from the locals. Arriving at the lake s shore we had to take a crappy boat to get to the Palace for our buffet dinner. The place itself was quite marveluos and Brigit s company added to the already pleasant evening, crappy food or not. They threw in free Rajastani Folk Dancing but to me folk dancing always seems to be same the world over.
Udaipur, 26-12-93. Travelling with Fraulein Brigit is a barrel of laughs, she just loves to laugh or so it seems. But more importantly the chemistry between us is good. Udaipur is not as romantic as Tony Wheeler from Lonely Planet likes all backpackers to believe. The City Palace is definetly not worth a second visit nor is the city very beautiful. The inevitable holy cows and stray dogs as well as domesticated pigs roam the streets and leave piles of shit in their wake. Locals with house with high roofs advertise the fine views from up there eating in their roof top restaurants overlooking the city and Udaipur lake. The service is slow, though and the food not worth mentioning. Tonight we wasted 600 Rp. on a buffet meal at the City palace Hotel, one of the most expensive hotels in India.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Chittogarh, 24-12-1993. Once noblemen and Rajput soldiers ruled over Chittogarh, now is seems to have been taken over by monkeys, green parakeets and ground squirrels and not to forget the ever present pigeons. The fort above Chittogarh is huge and quiet, apart from a few local- and foreign tourists the place was deserted. an uneventful bustrip brought me and fraulein Brigit to Chittogarh where the Pana Tourist Bungalow offered a double room for 20 Rp. the first night and 100 Rp. for the second night.
Piss off.
Pushkar, 22-12-1993. At sunset people come to the ghats to watch Pushkar s sunset, most of the locals take a bath in pushkar s holy lake. I went to the Ghats to read my book and enjoy the tranquility. I wasn t to be left alone, though. An Indian approached me demanding 2 Rp. for the use of "his" ghat. I told him to piss off. Together with a fraulein from Austria I went on a daytrip by bicycle outside Pushkar. Beautiful country side but the Indian roads are covered in cow shit.
Adhai-Din-Ka-Jhonpra Mosqee
Apperently there is some sort of Muslim celebration at Ajmer at the moment with Muslims from all over the world on a holy pelgrimage.They are easy to recognise with their funny white bonnets.The Adhai-Din-Ka-Jhonpra Mosqee was crowded with Muslims and Hindus alike And the hike up the hill to Taragarh fort beyond discription. This hike up was probably part of the Muslim pelgrimage with hunderts of people all gonig up the small dirt path which was lined with beggars showing off the most horrible mutulations, amputated limps, festering wounds, leprosy and elefantisis, blind people and the inevitable sadhus. I have no doubt that some of these sights will be embedded in my memory forever.Most people bought plastic bags along filled with shells to donate to the beggars, the shells repacing the Rp. baksheesh.
Pushkar, 21-12-1993, Made a daytrip to Ajmer yesterday to keep myself amused.The difference between mellow Pushkar and noisy Ajmer was enormous. All the foul smells of the dirt in the streets mixed with the odour of the curries they sell in the numerous bazaars. Everywhere people trying to make some money or donig their shopping from the streetsellers and at the bazaars.
A far out trip
Took a bangh lassie and went with some guys to their hotel to smoke some pot from a chilam in the hotel s garden. In the end I was on a pretty far out trip to my hotel in darkened Pushkar. A very intense experience,indeed. Somewhere their seemed to be a seious warning involved in this "far out trip" but of course I had forgotten all about it in the morning.
Pushkar, 19-12-1993. The main occupation of the western tourists walking the main shopping street, getting stuffed on good food in roof top restaurants, drinking bangh lassies at the main square and smoking marijuana. The scene is pretty a pretty mix of people, western hippies from the flower power time, tourist sadhus that have been so long in India it is hard to tell them apart from the local sadhus, clad in orange robes with unkept beards streaked with grey the add to the mellow admosphere.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Travelling by bus
Pushkar, 17-12-1993. Travelling by bus in India is certainly not to be missed. For those with long legs it can be a bit uncomfortable but the many chai stops offer ample opportunity t6o stretch one s legs. These stops offer other things to apart from chai, old women with kids dressed in rags asking for baksheesh, leprosy infected stumps that were once real hands and arms, come through the bars of the bus windows begging for a couple of rp. Overcrowded buses force you to sit on the where the views are better but you have to watch out for tree brances and the inevitable telephone- and electricity wire.
on my cycle trip I enjoy the typical Indian country scenes like small girls with their mothers shaping cow dung into pancakes they dry in the sun and use for fire material, the smell even keeps the mosquitos at bay. I see women with water jugs on their head dressed in saries. Dirt stained truck that cover me in huge clouds of reddish dust when they pass me.
Fatehpur Sikri
Barathpur, 15-12-1993. A sadhu once predicted Akbar, the great Mogul emperor he would get a son and therefor an heir to the trone.Akbar got his son and in gratitude he built Fatehpur Sikri at the place where the sadhu lived. However problems with the water supply forced the inhabitants of Fatehpur Sikri to leave. For years it was a deserted place but nowadays tourists can wander around at will after paying 50 Paisa entrance fee. screaming green colored parakeets inhabit the ruins
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Keoladeo Bird Sanctuary
Barathpur, 14-12-1993. The Keoladeo bird sanctuary is reknowned for its many species of migratory birs, pelican, storch, crane etc. In earlier days the Maharajas would take their guests on shooting parties to the sanctuary as did the English during the days on the Brittish Raj. With a couple of guns they would shoot thousands of bags of birds . Nowadays things are a bit more civilised, people pay 25 rp. to get in and watch the birds with hired binoculars. The only noice now is the noise of birds and the clic-clac sounds of camaras, thanks to the gods no more gun shots.The pelican Hotel near the park entrance ain t so bad with their own restaurant and 60 rp. for a single room. I hire a bike to move around the park, the binoculars I brought from home.Barathpur is a typical Indian town, dirty, dusty and noicy, not worth a days outing.
Dirty Dormitories
Jaipur, 12-12-1993. Daytime temperatures are pretty good here in Rajastan but the nights are bitter cold. Fortunately the Evergreen Hotel suplies blankets to its residents. not that their dormitories are much fun, I feel almost as dirty as the one I sleep in. They are dirt cheap, though.
Thieving monkeys
Jaipur,11-12-1993. Occasionally I have this feeling of deja vulike yesterday at Nahagarh Fort. I could actually still feel the taste of the Godfather Super delux Strong Indian brewed bootle of beer I drank up there almost 5 years ago. I decided to repead the action. Today at Amber Fort and Amber Palace I particularly remembered the thieving monkeys. Gonig around on a bike in India is big fun but the chaotic trafic forces one to be extremely carefull. The roads are full with Indian made Ambassador taxies, scooters, ox- and camel drawn cars, Enfield motorbikes, rickshaw drivers and all of that "made in India stuff". At Amber Palace the well-to-do Indian middle class families like to show off to their poorer and lower class country folks dressed up in suits, with playfull English-colonial behaviour, expensive jewelry, camaras and video equipment. they take the elefant rides arond Amber Palace which seems to gfive them great fun.
Mahagarh Fort
Jaipur, 10-12-1993, The best place in Jaipur to visit must be Nahagarh Fort.Not because of the views which are suburb, but because the place is so quiet compared to all the hustle and bustle of Jaipur the fort being on a hill overlooking all of Jaipur.
Jaipur,09,12,1993. due to an accident the bus to Jaipur had to make a detour which means I arrived well after darkness and had to take the first room available, not much fun walking around here with my backpack and all my dinero after dark. A stupid little babyroom with a matress full with bedbugs i have no doubt.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
New DEhli, 07 12 1993,After only a few days in New Delhi I have done most of the sights allready, the bazaars, the old city, the red fort, some mosques, the zoo etc.After a couple of days back in India I can feel how is seeping back into my veins, almost like I have never been away. My life back home is fast becoming a vague and hazy knot of soft pain in the back of my head. If it wasn t for Magareth I could be happy here so far away from home and all my worries, not a care in the world.Magareth promised me a happy life together if I would come home soon. I like Wendy her daughter too, so we could be a nice little family together. GO BACK, GO BACK, well I don t think so. Instead I think I will go to a Sikh restaurant and have a bite to eat.
Heels on wheels
New Dehli, 05 12 1994, "You enjoy that beer"? a Surinam voice asked me yesterday while I was waiting in the queue for check in, turning around I had to look up to face this 6 food 10 tall skinny black bloke. Arriving at the airport in New Delhi I asked him and his Dutch lady to share a taxi downtown, a good way to bring the price down. Like so many other things in India taxies are quite a uniformed affair, big black Ambassadors with yellow stripes. The brakes don t work but the driver seems quite experienced at changing the gears to slow the piece of rust down. Camel drawn carts, wild holy cows and stray dogs, heavely loaded trucks and even elefants with their hahouds, middle class owned four seaters and more of that shit dominate the streets with women dressed in saries and high heels expertly dashing in and between the trafic. Their seems to be no order in this madhouse and pedistrians must risk their life trying to cross the streets.
Magareth...a test from Lord Shiva Himself.i
03 12 1993,
Good luck should always be followed by bad luck, or so it seems. My last date with Magareth was a hot one and she made me promise her to come back in April, a promise I made in the heat of the moment and will not keep however much I might like to.
Haaa, I might have fallen in love with that little black beauty, she is on my head all the time.
Our recent erotic encounters on that dusty couch in her small appartment while her teenage daughter was on a diplomatic homework mission with a schoolfriend, makes my malehood feeling like it is housed in too tight a pair of blue jeans...
Just my luck to meet the woman of my life just before the trip of my life.
Or maybe this little dark skinned Surinam beauty is a test from Lord Shiva himself, trying to test my mental endurance, see in his divine wisdom if he can make me waver my big plans, my one or even two year sabatical spiritual quest, my search for my very being here on this nutty planet that I have travelled already extensively but always leaving out the inner journey despite long lonely nights on overnbight trains and busses with Nada to do but retreat to my inner being...
03 12 1993,
Good luck should always be followed by bad luck, or so it seems. My last date with Magareth was a hot one and she made me promise her to come back in April, a promise I made in the heat of the moment and will not keep however much I might like to.
Haaa, I might have fallen in love with that little black beauty, she is on my head all the time.
Our recent erotic encounters on that dusty couch in her small appartment while her teenage daughter was on a diplomatic homework mission with a schoolfriend, makes my malehood feeling like it is housed in too tight a pair of blue jeans...
Just my luck to meet the woman of my life just before the trip of my life.
Or maybe this little dark skinned Surinam beauty is a test from Lord Shiva himself, trying to test my mental endurance, see in his divine wisdom if he can make me waver my big plans, my one or even two year sabatical spiritual quest, my search for my very being here on this nutty planet that I have travelled already extensively but always leaving out the inner journey despite long lonely nights on overnbight trains and busses with Nada to do but retreat to my inner being...
Amsterdam 2
Holland, Amsterdam,
02 12 1993.
Next week this time I will be in New Dehli, I am getting quite excited about it but I still have tings here in Amsterdam to take care of. Magareth por ejemplo, I took her out last saturday on a date to a Brazilian dancing.
Close contact dancing warmed us up well enough for her to take me back to her house where I had the honour of taking care of business for her. The act between man and woman being in full swing on her outdated sofa, small dark brown colored breasts that fitted marvelously in my big white hands, my mouth taking care of the reddish colored rosettes on the top...great sex while her teenage daughter was was staying with a school friend doing homework with Mum involved in whole different type of homework.
I will have to take things seriously, however, no more Taekwon Do, no more Surinam ladies , no more Amsterdam and no more parties. THe frugal life style of India is on the way.
A year and six months is my goal, or maybe even longer considering the big pile of Dinero I plan to change into tatty Indian Rupees...
A spiritual search while travelling in one of the more backward countries of the world, where most of the population has hardly enough of these aforementioned tatty Ruppees to pay for their daily cup of boiled rice.
02 12 1993.
Next week this time I will be in New Dehli, I am getting quite excited about it but I still have tings here in Amsterdam to take care of. Magareth por ejemplo, I took her out last saturday on a date to a Brazilian dancing.
Close contact dancing warmed us up well enough for her to take me back to her house where I had the honour of taking care of business for her. The act between man and woman being in full swing on her outdated sofa, small dark brown colored breasts that fitted marvelously in my big white hands, my mouth taking care of the reddish colored rosettes on the top...great sex while her teenage daughter was was staying with a school friend doing homework with Mum involved in whole different type of homework.
I will have to take things seriously, however, no more Taekwon Do, no more Surinam ladies
A year and six months is my goal, or maybe even longer considering the big pile of Dinero I plan to change into tatty Indian Rupees...
A spiritual search while travelling in one of the more backward countries of the world, where most of the population has hardly enough of these aforementioned tatty Ruppees to pay for their daily cup of boiled rice.
Only 2 more weeks and I will be on my way to New Delhi, the trip of my life. Not that this is gonna be my first trip to Crazy India, it is more the amount of time I wanna spend in this madhouse that used to be The English Raj, the crown on their colonial past. Fair enough the last trip was long too but now I have money to spend and time is on my side.
I will leave the Ansterdan parties behind as well as the Surinam ladies that I befriended myself with last summer, some of the sex I had with them was GREAT but India is/has been pulling at my subconscious/conscious mind, the winter is approaching and I feel the time is right, now is the time.
My last Surinam sweetheart, Magareth is hot and ready to trot, Maybe, I will do just that before departure or so I plan.
I will leave the Ansterdan parties behind as well as the Surinam ladies that I befriended myself with last summer, some of the sex I had with them was GREAT but India is/has been pulling at my subconscious/conscious mind, the winter is approaching and I feel the time is right, now is the time.
My last Surinam sweetheart, Magareth is hot and ready to trot, Maybe, I will do just that before departure or so I plan.
Shamboo Bolenat
Shamboo bolenat.
Yogi mahadeva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva,
Mahabay Shiva,
Adajianta Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva.
Purana Sakala Kaja Ara Shankar Radhi Deva.
Purana Sakala Kaja Ara Shankar Radhi Ara.
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva.
Yogi mahadeva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva,
Mahabay Shiva,
Adajianta Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva.
Purana Sakala Kaja Ara Shankar Radhi Deva.
Purana Sakala Kaja Ara Shankar Radhi Ara.
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva.
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