Baripada, 07-02-1994. Getting stuck in a small village in India can be hell on earth, a real major pain in the ass. Or maybe a way to observe the lives of the loacals in an out of the way small Indian settlement.
This is an adult 18 plus blog so if you are under 18 years of age, get off this site please.
This is a blog about my travelling life, the years I moved across the globe with my old bulky backpack.
This is also a blog about my life in Amsterdam when I`m not travelling.
Not really sure if I consider myself a real artist...just writing down words coming out of my crazy Farang mind, drawings from the dream world...I was on the move most of my life and nowadays try hard to settle down here in Amsterdam but still wintering in far-away Asia...always carried my sketchbook with me in my worn backpack, always feeling the need to draw what my eyes noticed and write what my gray brain mass brought to the surface of my nutty the consiousness of my weird excistence.
Hope you enjoy my sketchbook pages and the occasional painting..
Hans from Amsterdam.
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