Saturday, November 03, 2007

Clock towers in Sri Lanka.

Kandy, 22-10-1994. The lake of Kandy is full with fish, birds that feed on them, turtles and huge monitor lizards of up to 1.50 m. in lenght. Thier bellies big and swollen, presumably from gorging themselves on fish, their skin black with white/yellowish freckles and though the heads are small, their mouth cavity is enormous as i could see for myself when one of these monsters was gorging himself on dead and rotting fish. Also i saw snakes in the lake, one this morning of maybe 35 cm. grayish color with brown bands. So far every village or town in this country i have been to or driven through either by bus or train had one or more clock towers. However, i have as yet to see one in Sri Lanka that is in proper working order. Last night i went to the Devon Restaurant together with Janet and Nelleke from Holland. At the Devon they served thai food and at reasonable prices. More importantly, their food was good and tasty, something to remember, finally good food in this country. So the food was good, the beer was bitter and the ladies interesting table partners, we were the last to leave the restaurant.

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