Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The crocdile farm.

Mahabalipuram, 06-12-1994. Fully packed in in the super right spirit to hit the road again, I walked to the bus stand this morning just to be told "no bus today, sir, strike". I have heard this before and over a year of travelling in Asia has thaught me to see this philosophically. Returned to myu hotel, smoked a joint, hired a bike and cycled the 14.5 km. to the crocodile farm. Interesting place with pits full with ugly, mean looking crocs. They watch you with their ice-cold beady eyes, not moving an inch, just waiting and waiting.......Naturally the indian holiday makers in their fancy clothesknow quite a few tricks to get the crocs active, throw a Tumps-Up bottle on top of them for example.

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