Monday, December 25, 2006


Gangtok/Sikim, 22-02-1994. Gantok, a small little Himalaya town and also the capital of Sikim. The people here speak a very fine English almost like they all have been to college in England. The views this morning at 06.00 h. from Darjeeling to Gantok were suburb with Kanchenjunga completely visible. The 70 km. trip took about 5 hours through forested and hilly country, the only obtrusion a military chechpoint with the guards eyeing my Sikim permit suspiciously like i was some sort of Europen freedom fighter to help the Sikim independance struggle.

Tigre hill

Darjeeling, 21-02-1994. I fianlly managed to make it to the fabled Tigre Hill today, a tiresome hike of 11 km. up and down hilly terrain with lots of forest, pine trees mostly, the occasional monastry along the way, mist rising up through the pine trees and the waving prayer flags. I am now well endowed with Sandra and Anne having dinner with them every evening.

Kerstin again

Darjeeling, 20-02-1994. I could not believe my eyes this morning when Kerstin-mi novia de Alemania_entro con su novio en el restaurante donde estaba yo desayunando. At first i thought she hadnot recognised me con mi cabello negro-pintado hace algunos dias en Calcutta- but after having steered her boyfriend to a table outside, she came back in to talk to me. I am convinced that she likes to play with fire. spent the afternoon with Sandra and Anne, a lady from Canada, to hike the hills around Darjeeling. still bloody cold in Darjeeling but i am starting to get used to it, feels like home almost.


Darjeeling, 19-02-1994. Darjeeling is a cold place this time a year, beuatifull though. In the morning when i wake up i am afraid to leave the warmth of the bed. there are some walks around the place, the toytrain up here from down in Siliguri, a fine zoo with a snowleapard, the first one i ever saw in the real, and old colonial house from the time of the English Raj where one can shoot pool, play table tennis or have a meal. Did all that in charming company of Sandra from England drinking Rum and Brandies over and after dinner. Nice company in nice surroundings but, by Buddha, it is cold here.

A Bandt

Darjeeling, 18-02-1994. A bandt, Hindu for general strike, forced me and two other foreigner travellers on the train to stay overnight in Siliguri, a typical Indian dusty small town at the foothills of the Himalaya. Darjeeling is a small but intresting Himalaya city dedicated to thea growing and the locals look very different from the Bengalies in Calcutta, short and stocky and dark skinned. They hassle me less than the other Indians I have met so far, their behaviour is more friendly although at times more indifferent. No isgn here of the average Indian who indulges in stupid stares and childish giggling.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Siliguri, 17-02-1994. Algunas mentiras para el divertimento e un poco de Hashish con cerveza para el ambiga, tres muchachos en un cuarto, un monton de tiempo libre e un sitio peguenyo sin transporte son bastante para una noche en Siliguri.

Insecurity and confusion, reality and fatasy.

Calcutta, 14-02-1994. After 8 days in chaotic Calcutta I feel it is time to move on, my train for Darjeeling will leave tonight at 19.00 h. Despite the feeling of insecurity about my life and all confusing sensations I am experiencing about reality and fantasy being mixed up, I still keep on and push myself to understand this crazy place. I am not sure if home is really home nowadays. Feel like I have been on the move for ages already. The other day I met a street seller I remember from back in Amsterdam and for a short moment in time I felt like I was back home, back in my regular life selling Mandalas in the street.

Sultan, a local fruitseller

Calcutta, 13-02-1994. Sultan, a local fruit seller outside the Hotel Mario has never been away. He still occupies the same spot as 5 years ago, the last time I was in Calcutta. And I still cannot walk by him without buying some fruit which I share with the Chilam smokers in my hotel. I walk around in Calcutta and get lost on purpose, the endless bazaars and markets, the street scenes and the colourfully dressed Begallies fascinate me beyond discription and imagination.

a free live show

Calcutta, 11-02-1994. The colourful markets of Calcutta take much of my time but I did manage to tear myself away from them long enough to procure a permit for the Himalaya state of Sikim. Hotel mario s rooftop dormitory is used for more than plainy sleeping. Some couples give free sex live shows and don t bother to wait untill the lights are switched off, their only modesty a blancket covering them. Groups of people smoking Chilam can be seen at any given moment of the day in the dormitory.