Sunday, March 04, 2007

The movie house

Vashisht, 06-04-1994. The soft thud of chunks of melting snow falling of roof tops is what woke me up this morning. Combined with the constant sound of falling rain I knew that today would be another day of inactivity, another day of playing chess, drinking chai and smoking chilam in the Freak House, maybe taking in a movie at the local movie house, just a wooden shed with a old iron heater and a bed sheet that is supposed to be the movie screen. at least the movies are foreign and not the local Masala Dosa type and the locals feed a steady supply of chunks of woods to the iron stove/heater so the place is sort of warm. The stove actually is the real reason all the freaks and hippies frequent the shed cald in old clothes and old and smelly blankets wrapped around their shoulders they complain about the bad quality of the movies, mostly the action type. Always a couple of locals around begging for free chilam hits.

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